What is Ayurveda? (OLD)

Ayurvedic Herbs + Mortar & Pestle | CausalityCare.comAyurvedic Herbal Oils | CausalityCare.com



Ayurvedic Capsules | Causalitycare.com

Native to India also people in the South-East Asia region as well as other regions of the world, have been using “Ayurveda” for health care for centuries. Ayurveda continues to be an extremely valuable and helpful source of remedies that millions of people all over the world have depended on to maintain and improve their health. Ayurveda represents thousands of years of wisdom and knowledge, and it is an important aspect of peoples' and countries' social and cultural heritage. Ayurveda was developed based on practical findings and observations made by those who utilized them. By custom and tradition, the system has been passed down from generation to generation.

Knowladge is power, you may like to harness the wisdome of the following Ayurvedic book: "Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants: Herbal Reference Library".

Based on the book mentioned above, an Ayurvedic approach must be 100% plant based (non-synthetic), safe, no side effects in order for it to be effective in many chronic and non-chronic disorders including but not limited to the following.

Digestive Problems.
Hair Care.
High/Low Blood Pressure.
High/Low Cholesterol Levels.
Nerve Compression Syndrome.
Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Muscle Pain.
Joint pain.
Skin Care.
Weight Management (Fat Loss & Muscle Gain).
…and much more.

"You are unique that's why each Ayurvedic Herb remedy must be specifically tailored to your unique needs because every herb has its own unique healing properties best suited for you based on your TriDosha".

At Causality Care, we provide a holistic pain managment solution based on your Prakruti (constitution) and Vikruti (current condition) and serve you with effective and affordable therapies. All modalities used are non-invasive and drugless.

If you’re experiencing any type of pain, we can help you! Type Therapy on your Smart Phone and Send it as a Text to 773 377 5357 to book a session, or get in touch with us via eMail: therapy@causalitycare.com

Looking forward to helping you live a purposeful and feel pain-free life!


Learn More about TriDosha in Pulse Examination (Nadi Pariksha)