Holistic Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (H.R.E.B.T.)

Before we introduce what Causality Care’s “Holistic Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (H.R.E.B.T.)” is and how it can greatly benefit your emotional and physical wellbeing. Let’s dive deeper into understanding how emotional pain gets converted into physical pain and vice-versa!
Emotional pain is also known as "Psychosomatic Disorder", "Psychic Pain", "Psychological Pain", "Spiritual Pain", "Emotional Suffering", "Soul Pain", "Mental Pain", or "Mental Burnout"… and this is how emotional pain gets converted into "Physical Pain"!
If you've ever been sick or injured, chances are that it put you in a pretty bad mood! This is a negative signal sent by your physical body to your emotional body! The emotional body does the same thing to your physical body!
Emotional pain is unique pain or hurts that come from somewhere other than the physical body. A short-term emotional pain reason can be a single devastating incident or series of multiple unfortunate events over a long period of time. No matter what the cause, this unaddressed emotional pain will be intensified with time and significantly affect many different areas of your life.
People of any age can experience somatic symptoms related to their body. Research indicates that specific elements can elevate the probability of experiencing such symptoms. Following are the possible but not limited to emotional pain triggers you might be suffering from!
#1) Having a chaotic lifestyle, difficulty recognizing and expressing feelings, being neglected during childhood, experiencing sexual abuse in the past, having other mental health problems like personality disorders, misusing substances like alcohol or drugs, and being unemployed.
#2) Emotional pain could be the outcome of an unachieved dream, desire, or life’s goal that causes mental burnout. Also, regret, grief, or loss in some cases causes Psychosomatic Disorder pain.
#3) Other people's behaviors or actions might sometimes cause you emotional discomfort.
#4) It could also be the effect of an underlying mental health problem like sadness, anxiety, or depression for known or unknown reasons to you.
While mental pain is frequently dismissed as less serious than physical suffering. For your holistic well-being; It is extremely important that emotional pain must be taken seriously. Because there are a variety of frequent feelings related to emotional discomfort that can have a negative impact on both your mental and physical health. There is long list but one of the negative emotional impact is the feeling of Emetophobia (Fear of Vomit).
Every individual has a different mental capacity to handle emotional pain. When the mind receives more emotional pain than it can handle then the mind has no other choice but to convert emotional pain into physical pain by storing emotional pain in different physical parts of your body and using the body as a pain storage facility.
The brain starts converting emotional pain into physical pain starting from weakest to stronger body parts including but not limited to #1 Neck, #2 Shoulders, #3 Elbows, #4 Writs, #5 Back (upper, middle, and lower back), #6 Knees, #7 Ankles. These unaddressed emotional pains converted into physical pain eventually get worse with time and this is where Causality Care’s “Holistic Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (H.R.E.B.T.) ” plays an important role in healing your body from the inside out!
Based on feedback received from our hundreds of clients treated at Causality Care; many clients mentioned that friends, family members, coworkers, and even healthcare providers have shown skepticism, insensitivity, and unsupportive responses toward Psychosomatic Disorder pain and other seemingly invisible disorder simply because these pain cannot be verified, tested or proven by latest medical science. But we at Causality Care make sure to listen to all your emotional and physical concerns and sincerely provide effective multidisciplinary solutions in a positive manner.
Explaining aspects and every course of treatment in detail is beyond the scope of this writing but the following are the core concepts we have been providing to all our clients. We will go into an in-depth conversation in your 1st meeting with our qualified Holistic Practitioner. Depending on the underlying emotional pain, some clients can find relief quite quickly, while others might take longer!
#1) COGNITIVE RESTRUCTURING: Cognitive restructuring is a technique that has been proven to be effective in helping clients shift their painful thinking patterns. The goal is to replace stress-producing thoughts (cognitive distortions) with more balanced, stress-free thinking. The ultimate result is a relaxed and more glued mind, body, and soul.
#2) COPING SKILLS: Whether you are stressed out about reaching a deadline, or have a tough day in the office or home, healthy coping skills is the key to getting through difficult times. We help you to create effective coping skills to tolerate, minimize, and deal with stressful situations in life. Good stress management will help you feel better mentally and will improve your ability to do your best in your personal, professional social, and spiritual life.
#3) PROBLEM SOLVING: We provide you time and time again proven techniques and mindset to solve problems! At Causality Care you will learn how to define a problem; determine the cause of the problem; identity, prioritize, select alternatives for a solution, and implement an effective solution.
#4) MANUAL THERAPY: Manual therapy is a physical treatment used by our professional Holistic Practitioners to treat your musculoskeletal pain. Whether you have Neck, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrist, Back (upper, middle, and lower back), Knees, Ankles, or any other muscle or joint pain we have the very best solutions to help you live a pain-free life!
Our Holistic Practitioners treat clients by delivering various types of treatments that may include Soft Tissue Mobilization, Stretch Therapy, Therapeutic Taping, Vibration Therapy, Sports Therapy, Women’s Health, Fitness Programs, Diet and nutrition.
To schedule an appointment, type Appointment on your smartphone and send it as a text to 773 377 5357.
If you have specific questions, you are always welcome to Contact Us and speak with one of our friendly staff members.